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Dear friends,
we´d like to say thank you for this absolutely overwhelming festival season. It was unbelievable to see so many happy people and feel this immense amount of love. This positive vibes give us a lot of hope that it will be possible to turn the world into a better one. With unity and love instead of division and anger - exactly as shown on our new album cover "Atma".
Thanks again to all of you for this fantastic experience.
Love MSK
Pic by Falk-Hagen, taken at the Stoned from the Underground Festival


Dear friends,
as promised, here´s the video for our new single "Mukti" from our upcoming album "Atma", out on July 29.
In times when the majority of news seems to be negative, everyone can decide where to focus the attention. A universal law says that energy always follows attention. By directing our attention towards positive things, we can take the energy away from the negative. This is the way that each individual is able to make a small contribution to healing.
"Mukti" means liberation, letting go, experience of the highest peace and points exactly to this possibility of choice.
Hope you enjoy it and thank you again all you wonderful people for your massive support !!!
Much Love,
Antibiotics are used to treat or prevent some types of bacterial infection. They work by killing bacteria or preventing them from spreading. But they do not work for everything. Many mild bacterial infections get better on their own without using antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work for viral infections such as colds and flu, and most coughs. Antibiotics are no longer routinely used to treat: chest infections, ear infections in children, sore throats.

Mukti Teaser

on June 28, 2022 we will release our second single called "Mukti".
Stay tuned

Matte, Steffen, Seppi, Norman


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