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Music Videos

Dear Friends,

it´s the first time in our career we have released a music video. So we are very happy to share this with you. “Prithvi” is the first track on our upcoming album “Moksha”. This video is based on an animation which is talking about death, transition into mental world and reincarnation.

The second video is the title track of our upcoming album "Moksha". The video basically uses scenes and fragments from the album artwork and tries to follow the psychedelic  and melancholic touch of the song.

Enjoy and keep your good Karma


New album - Preorder

Dear Friends,

you can preorder our new album MOKSHA here: LINK

Cheers an keep your good karma


New Album - Cover


here´s the front cover of our upcomming album "MOKSHA".
Hope you enjoy Sebatian Jerke´s beautiful work.



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